I believe, if you truly want results in your life, be prepared for sacrifice..ie discomfort. Believe it or not, when you get uncomfortable, things begin to happen.
Simply stated, if you want results, get uncomfortable.
There is something magical and necessary about struggle that pushes us to where we want to go. Personally, I tend to identify with people who choose to do without now to have more later. Those are the people that clearly had to get uncomfortable at some point to get to where they are today.
When I see people that I admire, those that have achieved something worth achieving, I always wonder about the journey they traveled to get to where they are now.
It is safe to assume that contrary to popular belief, there are very few overnight success stories. Outward success is often a creation crafted by consistent repetitive actions and hundreds or thousands of failures. But, is there any good news in all of this? YES!
If You Want Results, Get Uncomfortable
So, now let’s tie this all back to personal finance. Saving money, cutting expenses, investing, paying off debt, blah blah blah…these all sound like a lot of doing without. These words evoke struggle. But, that’s what it takes if your goal is to grow your nest egg and get ahead.
The good news is that when you practice consistent actions and sacrificing, your financial picture begins to improve. Your decision-making skills get stronger.
Good decisions begin to spill over into other areas of your life. Basically, there is a snowball effect that good personal finance habits can have on us.
Never underestimate the power that mature decision-making can have on you and your family. Setting the example early is the best. The best time to start getting uncomfortable is yesterday.
Adversity = growth.

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